Look closer... the winding trail is baked to perfection, bearing the scars of a caesarean section.
Only the snakes dare travel along I-8, one-by-one the seasons lie prone, in heat this sun will castrate.
The burnt aspects on faces don’t smile or frown, they peer out as residue to places perished in the wake of a cityscape’s head trauma, calling out to the heaven’s above as they await her to rise with wings from these ashes, in anticipation for a day ne’er to draw nigh, even the steady fall of acid rain will fail to wash away such genocide.
A favorite haunt transmutes into a ghost town, burning into the ground the heat seeps into the soul, and the procession begins again for whom the bell tolls.
Towers of steel melt as popsicles on the pavement, the sun’s punishment is constantly transcendent, the noise of sparks and hums rattle the spine, today’s forecast is a good chance of saturnine.
Eerie colors at dawn make for a spectral scenic view, picnic lunch in the park is categorically taboo, the hunters of men swoon in subjugation to this tyranny, weather’s wrath was everyone’s destiny.
Live a little, die a little, pretend it cannot happen, but in the end we all windup as peanut brittle...