If the only birds allowed to sing Were the birds that sang the best I’d find our woods a gloomy place For I’d miss the songs of the rest
If all the plants across the world Were those of most vibrant red I’d ache for the varied colors Which we now enjoy instead
And so it is with people too We each have our inner light My light may not be brightest But still it dispels the night
My talents, gifts, and powers Bring increased life to all I know I’ll always let my light shine forth So prosperity to all will flow
This is Prosperity Poem 70 at ProsperityPoems.com and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below). https://prosperitypoems.com/delivery70LetMyLightShine.html You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Many years ago I heard the phrase, “If the only birds in the forests that sang in the forest were the ones that sang best, the forests would be very quiet.” That one saying has really helped me to enjoy singing, and I sing every day! I'm not the best, but I can still sing and it brings happiness to my life. As I was pondering about that, I thought, “I could write a poem about that”