The clouds hid the red sky that day Amid the wind and rain No red sky meant no sailors warning The waves broke high and hard They passed the breakers and the kegs They missed the red sky morning
The ships out on the water From the shore to the Grand Banks Were helpless in the coming storm No choice to turn and run The best bet was stay put There was no port to get warm
The skies were filled with nothingness the clouds like a sharks eye Shades of black were all they saw The icy waves of winter Broke the calm of the early morn For red sky in the morning is an unwritten sailors law
The Captain closed the bar down On the Digby ferry crossing The doors were being opened by each wave They couldn't see the white caps Only sky and see was all And the souls he had to save
There were fifteen boats in transit When the storm came bearing down Most were halfway home or so Now they all were stranded In the journey between heaven and hell Which direction they were headed only God would know
Turn sideways and you'd flip it Just sit still and you were dead You had to ride the water hellish ride Hatches all were battened Windows sealed and doors shut tight Sailors tried to stay inside
Water spouts were forming Off the stern and then the port Navigate the safest spot and keep low The door to Davy Jones' locker Was opened and ready to accept Any boat who made the choice to venture down below
On shore the coast guard were all scrambled Planes were sent out just in case More to recover than to save Families awaited word by radio The lines from all the ships were down Some lost to a watery grave
Each year the ocean opens up Mother Nature takes some back It's just the circle of life at sea Prayers are said at the Mariners Hall Bells are rung for the dead The sailors soul belongs to the water and it never can be free
Are you one that lives on water? You know one day your luck will end You knew this fact from the start Sailors know the sea's a minefield It's a war with God each day You have to fight with all your heart