Struggling To stay afloat In the rapids Waves crashing down upon the skull A second above The next below Then plunged farther from the surface Unable to breathe But there is no pain Just void Then an aching Internal dying Yearning for the pain Then, there it is Water-filled lungs Brain on fire Tainted soul
Seeing others above Emotions fester Then, a confession Double confession Realization Relief, shock, and overwhelming joy Then a clasp of hands Being pulled up Head breaking the surface Above the rapids To calmer waters Where one can breathe Where we can breathe Together Aid each other Build a raft To stay afloat Sometimes it flips Sometimes there are moments When water enters the lungs Darkness fills the mind But then A hand Takes one up To the sun
Revived by the one who loves you The one you love Embrace Clasp of hands The one who saved you From falling away With the shadows Patching the bullet holes Bandaging the battle wounds Healing for both
- Jay M October 29th, 2019
Love, whenever you read this, I want you to know;
You are my hero. You helped me to keep going, keep fighting, and gave me someone to talk to. Someone to trust. Then, as time went, I fell for you. You took me into your arms, and I actually thought past next week. I began to think about having a life. Darling, you never cease to surprise me. You told me you would never leave me. That makes my heart flutter, my mind a beach with a shining sun, and my soul dancing on a pavilion in the moonlight.
What I'm trying to say is; thank you, and I love you.