My eyes hurt whenever I see what they have in their hands It seems the treasures they have glow more than mine If I could take what they have maybe I won't whine or demand For my mother told me a boy should never be envious in life
As I was getting taller my resentment grew stronger and louder, "I want to have what they want! They have the cleanest of luxury" I was never raised to grasp rubies so I begrudge men with power Whenever I want something they refused, so I grew up with envy
Now my hands can afford diamonds like everybody else the satisfaction that I felt was all I yearned for these years Looking back to where accessories were considered wealth Senseless for me to think that not having earthly desires is what I fear
Now if ever I pass by an alley and a kid looks at me with jealousy Three words to change his look, "Here's a candy" So he could see that happiness shines more than jewelry
To the kids who were not given anything when they were young you know what it feels like