The master was known to be so very kind and spoke directly to one's heart and mind. He would communicate by saying things that touched deeply on one's soul strings. All were amazed at the depth of wisdom which was given with a sense of freedom. Sitting in his presence was an art in itself where one could imbibe things of the Self.
This knowledge seemed to be freely given with the end result of enlightenment driven. All seemed to be elevated to an awareness of direct experience by the grace of fairness radiating from the presence of the master who just sat there and spoke not of disaster but of good tidings that were for the benefit of those concerned in body, mind and spirit.
At times when he spoke he gave a sample from life situations inspired by example to cause one to reflect, wonder at the depth of direct knowledge in which he was adept. He would also relate some inspiring story taken from certain scriptures or of history that was for the most part so full of meaning to make the message given more appealing.
Like the One who spoke in parables long ago he would so speak for those around to know. Such were the words of the master as spoken which had the effect on any who were broken uplifting and helping them all there to realise that hope had replaced despair in their eyes. The words of the master are keys to freedom that open one's heart and mind with wisdom. ________