For aren't we all lost, In nothing? We say "where are we?" But, who cares?! We are all insignificant dots, in a limitless sky of dots.
I would rather spend one day, A perfect day in the meadow and have so much fun and then continue that for as long as possible.
Money distracts us from happiness. Goals and guidelines we will never, ever, fit distract us from happiness.
If we all wander And we are all lost Why not all be found together? In a world of happiness and freedom!
Why work when you can rest? Why run a mile, when you can smile! Why take a test when you can press the escape key.
It's so easy, yet none of us click it. For escaping reality is seen as "suicidal thoughts" or "depression" where maybe all we want is to be happy. To forget about our worries And not have to feel the nothingness creeping from inside. For when we are happy, all we want is to cherish that moment. But, what if we never had to let go of it?
We should let go of sadness! Why not be free to be with friends all day every day instead of being stressed about the future, we could enjoy it till the very last day we are on the planet and even then, even if there is nothing after life, we will have lived a happy life filled with goodness and laughter and kindness where no one would be mean because everyone would be happy!