“Floor me with flawed beauty,” the Poetry professor said. “Give me a Reason to read your poem, a deep Craving to know the workings of Your mind. “Let me know the things you Hate, the things you Love, the things you couldn’t care Less about. Make me care. “I see beauty in you, not Perfect or pristine, but Flawed, Ugly, not-fit-for-the- Human-eye-beauty. “I’ve been teaching for 20 years; write me Something I don’t already know. “Floor me with Your Flawed beauty.”
I wrote this while I was listening to my professor talking; the skill I tried to use in this piece is called "enjambment", which is when you purposefully put in a line break so that the first word on the next line is the most important and carries the most meaning. Let me know how it works, or if you notice a difference in the impact of the words :)