Whiteboard and students, classroom with desks Who knew, here could be something so grotesque Lit up bright, full of supplies Art and math, science goggles to protect your eyes Who knew this is where fear could live Shouldn’t it be a laugh and a love note to give Wouldn’t it be nice if this was a sacred place Could you imagine if schools were all safe Instead of brightly lit fluorescent lights We see gun fire in the halls and fist fights Worst of all we see children dead In the ground we put to rest their head Bully killed bully, maybe it was someone mean Becoming the bully is worse! LISTEN to me this is keen Love your neighbors, love your friends End this hatred, or it will be all our ends Speak love or do not speak at all Believe in yourself, and believe in others … That is all . . . No!! There is so much more to be said This isn’t working, our kids still wind up dead What needs to change, what can be done To love your daughter and son? Yes of course, love is important But we need change, can we be absorbent? To soak up our mistakes and our flaws Turn it around look at what's wrong, take pause Address the real issues, we don’t need more pep talks We need a reconstruction, all the way down to the bed rocks