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Nov 2018
I poured my heart out for you on these pages
Does that prove I am better than the rest?
If I spelled each serious word carefully placed with purpose
Would you care I plucked them straight from my chest?

Dangling from pride by flimsy feeble strings
Pathetic pieces float uncertain and shaking
Hastily tied them to my heart as they arose
Now those timid concerns and domesticated woes are mine for the taking

I keep them close to use only when needed
To project palaces or prisons for my protected thoughts
One by one I pull emotions from inner walls
And other tucked away hiding spots

They burrow further as suffering increases
Yet no matter how deep they dig
I still hear their mournful muffled hum
In my eardrums starting small then growing big

That is the twisted key to my success
Smiling as I spill secret sorrow
Taking others to a place seldom seen
Boundless heights that will move tomorrow

Unburdened yet incomplete without these emotions
Only seem to flourish in fear or agony
I summon these wild feelings from my soul
To show exactly what you mean to me
I can never express the extent of my love for you
Amanda Kay Burke
Written by
Amanda Kay Burke  29/F/Alaska
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