I held back the waterfall threatening to pour Honestly, Is it passive resignation? I don't believe so It feels more like... waiting Taking joy in the little things But clutching onto a hope that the world my world my story will just evolve into just about every book I've read A happy story I mean-it is But, it's imperfect Filled with incessant USELESS pity parties I'm not friendless I'm not heart broken I have my family I have talent I have resources I live in a great community I have a great education Endless opportunities At my disposal If I just reach But- It's impossible to feel perfect And impossible to shrug off the laziness The complacency The flaws It's important to be greatful And I am If I had the opportunity to trade I definitely wouldn't But- It is true that sometimes I'm smacked in the face with the imperfections the flaws of my world that I strive towards I must keep striving towards ... Okay.