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Sep 2018
My beloved body
How many hours have I toiled over you

Washing, scrubbing, ironing out the wrinkles
so inevitable

Straightening, dyeing, styling crown & glory
destined to burn like logs on a funeral pyre

Every ache, every pain, every bump on the road
attended to with meticulous obsession

Pumping in vitamins, all 18 caps,
hoping to live forever
and lets not forget the apparel runway
my walk-in closet a testament to that

Sunlight falls across the altar
a small star illumining dark corner
of my room
my Soul calls softly

Suddenly I remember
Who I Am
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Written by
Sonya Ki Tomlinson  Palm Bay, Florida
(Palm Bay, Florida)   
   winter and Fawn
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