I look at you eyes red with regret and longing for the someone that didn’t love you like you wanted. You shift under the world you are holding with your shaking hands as you begin to fold under the pressure you weren’t meant to endure. I see you lock the doors to your heart pushing everyone away like you are TNT that is waiting to explode. Satisfaction loses meaning when all you wanted was never allowed and you still taste what could have been but wasn’t. These days you find nothing in a world that is trying to save you, you chop away open arms like branches from your favorite trees and you lose yourself in loneliness and self prescribed misery. You stopped seeing beauty and I am trying to understand how I could make you love yourself again even though he couldn’t. When I look at you the glass in my bones shifts and open new wounds because you hurting is synonymous with me drowning in all the ways I wish I could save you. So I just sit here hoping you make it through ground shattering pain like I did, but I cannot tell the future and all I can do is wait.