Dancing the billow in the sea the cool one will show up in no time with love. Deep down from the deep with the flute on the lips.
Listen to the flute! The chorus clouds bang out floating by the river blue, singing down the sky as they move.
Popping out of the secret valley the sun branches in ambling with the wonder light as if the punter sun knew it, knows the flutist's arty rise from down the sea!
Every planet is a flying bee twirling around the inner music nothing ever stops in the solar disc.
The waning and waxing Moon in silhouette and in the half-light swings over the sea full of life.
It all starts from the ground; it was from our sea waterfront Him the creative sweetheart in the midst floated the leading light the bumblebee. All the stars bubble in the galaxy they know this ancient story!
Since then the brightest bulb the sun in the solar ring leads the bunch’s mindful butterfly dance on the way home. Following the enduring haunting melody of the pre-design command ‘Qun’ be!
A poem from my upcoming book Qun: Love is Unconditional