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Jun 2018
You told me you have to leave
For twelve weeks sometime in July
You knew I would be sad
You weren't expecting me to cry

I  could try to keep my greif unshown
I do not think it can be done
Because having you far away
Is like living without sun

I fear darkness will suddenly take me
I know I cannot make you understand
Hear the desperation in my voice
Take my shaking hand

I am already in this desperate state
I might as well admit
I am too weak for you to go
If you do I'll lose half my wit

I am sure my lack of sense
Is keeping you from being completely free
I know teases are well-meaning
But it feels like you are attacking me

I am hit with every careless word
You are winning, but who's keeping score?
I guess when you are gone I won't have to
Keep track of our games anymore

Wish each day would never end
But repeat in the morning anew
Or transform hours into months
So I could enjoy more time with you
Written 5-10-13
Amanda Kay Burke
Written by
Amanda Kay Burke  29/F/Alaska
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