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May 2018
Burning bright

Dreaming of a sunbeam;
Waiting for a light to shine.
Imagining a new being,
Wandering into my life.

Waiting on a lover I have never met before.
I have been adrift too long, but now I am insight of shore.
If all feelings change, then something must begin this day.
I am alone and lost, but I am being put in my place.
Destiny’s hands guide me;
Fate is locked in Schrodinger’s box.
I am a voice of love,
Calling out to the one who is lost.

Faith never crumbles; replicate and start again.
Belief in the unknown; wishing I could find my way.
Love is where the heart is at home;
I want to exist inside her mind.
Praying for a new kiss;
Hoping for an eternal flame to become burning bright.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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