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May 2018
A no answer machine

Our basic instincts are to find love and run through the woods.
From the tree’s we climb down to walk like a man;
No longer on all fours.
Now we do not need to give thanks, for the food we have;
We deserve to be full.
All beautiful art fades eventually,
As we all become too dull.

No more to say…
I let it all just slide away.
Nothing will be relevant on the final day.
Keeping up with the Joneses;
Mobile phones are diseases;
Conversation is dead;
Only speak if it pleases.

Couple’s councilor; I could not manage to go.
So come or go, or let me go, if you think that I would care.
Love is not amazing anymore,
I would say it is just so, so.
Why would I bother speaking to you, when you are no longer there?

Phone on silent;
She is a no answer machine.
No reply necessary;
The end of the dream.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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