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May 2018
Angels guide me

Sat in a hospital waiting for God;
I need some help, to pick me up.
I’m going crazy, I’ve lost the plot;
I’ve lost my way, without your love.

Stood before me are a cleaner and his twin brother;
A serene presence glows around them both.
They speak peaceful words, within the mundane
And I immediately feel comforted by the holy ghost.

They talk to each other and I listen intensely,
To every word looking for an answer.
There is no-one else in the waiting room
And in them I see Him or Her.

The God up above gave them religious names
And I believe they are here when I needed to be saved.
They mop up the floor like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty
And I see in them both, something Heavenly.

When I am at my lowest and in need of some help,
They appeared before me and eased all my problems.
They showed me Heavens gates, when I was living in Hell,
Now I am sane once more, but angels should not be forgotten.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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