It’s quiet now; it’s not like it was last night. All the hangovers are asleep, they have never seen the morning light. They are dreaming of last night’s fires And drinking away the days before, As I sit here upon my rock contemplating the world…
The sea is calm, the wind is quiet; there are birds flying in the sky. In the distance I can see an oil tanker, slowly floating by. There are no people here to catch the sun rise, So I can happily wait until it arrives; So peacefully I write…
I have my blanket, my picnic breakfast and a vision so wide; It goes on for miles in every direction And this picture is illuminated by the dawns early light. I can see beyond the sand and on past the lifeguard tower; There is nobody here that needs saving and nobody to guard a life.
As the cliffs remain after years of waves, All around me I can see the seafront. I can see the next town over; there are only a few lights on And I can see the approaching morning sun… It is hidden behind the man-made buildings, but soon it will rise And I alone shall be a witness to its beauty And still I continue to write…
As the pages become clearer with every passing minute, Eventually I create a full stop, as I have reached the finish; But my words do not seem complete, so I get to my feet to think. I turn my back towards the horizon and I speak into the wind…
You have blessed me this day, for all the noise has been taken away. All thoughts are being quiet; I have a place I can drift again. So I thank you for your company and all you have given to me; It is sad to know that my dreams are only ever, Pebble’s thrown away into the sea.
Reclaim what is yours and wash away all our damage; We have walked upon your sand enough. Take it all back into the sea, For we can no longer stand by and watch And continue to walk here; We have already walked here too much.
Take back what is yours, for it was never ours to keep. This rock I sat upon has been waiting to speak, For a thousand years, it has helped us to stand tall, While people use it as a stepping stone, To get to a place where we can be at one with the world; But this stone is the shape of you, for you are made of the Earth And I am just a visitor…you were here first.
I never did find my peace and quiet, But I felt at ease as the beach went back to the sea. I rose to my feet to make a change And not one footprint in the sand did I leave.