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Apr 2018
I started out simple... Flat, plan, and white...

The first few folds were easy... But it's finished form was far from the light

"What is it? What is it?" They constantly asked

I didn't answer them, because I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to complete this task.

I folded, twisted, and bended the paper in many ways

And when I had to throw it away... I heard laughter of great dismay

Continuous fails... At creating a sensitve beast

Different structures brought different problems with every crease

Doubted, Slandered for even trying, over something fragile and small

What threat could this Paper Dragon be? Into the trash it falls...

Origami is window that makes the weak paper stand out as strong

Conflict built its wall, Tension rested its tent, is what I'm doing wrong?

Hands stiff from determinations curse... At last it was finished

Excited to reveal my plan for such a magestic beast.. But too soon that was diminished

Although it was white and pure, its appearence and identity was shamed

"Why a dragon? A symbol of Satan, A sign of distruction, Hell as a name?"

Can you stop seeing me and the things I create all a symbol of darkness within me?

You say I am what I create, and I can't say that you're wrong. So this is what I want you to see

I am that dragon... You think all my words are out to melt and burn

You think I am strong enough and big enough to take on your drowning waves you think I've earned

But I am a Paper Dragon... I look strong and fierce... But I can rip so easily

A simple motion of pulling me in different directions can bring the end of me

I run to you with my webbed wings spreaded across the sun burst sky

Greeting you with a firey smile, and a glowing warm heart... And yet I'm despised

A sword is impaled through all the scales you assumed were tough

They surrendered as easily as paper... And down I went...only wanting to be loved

I am Paper Dragon... I'm not dangerous... I'm not evil or bad!!!

I am of creation!!!  If I use my ferious fire on you, it is to protect me from you... Which is sad...

I have been Labeled... Along with the things I create

Isn't it amazing? This majestic paper king of the fire in the sky... Can't you relate?

You call it a demon... You call it a mimic and a mockery of purity and light


... If you don't want the fire the Lord has gifted me with to melt your ice...

Then alright... But I won't allow your waves to soak me and wash away this life...

I'll be perched on a hight mountain top, looking over you and your waves from a far distance...

You wonder why I'm so far away...  Why you feel so much resistence...

My glowing charcoal eyes you can still see... You grow more confused and ticked!!!

All because... Of this Paper Dragon Conflict...
I made a Paper Dragon Card for a dear friend of mine a few days ago and the response I got out of working so difficulty and ******* it was not what I was expecting...

Dragons I know are one of the most misunderstood and misjudged creatures... They were once living things, they are an animal, no different then the dog or the bats or dinosaurs... Along with snakes, theu are seen as evil, but it doesnt mean they are themselves are evil... Theu can represent something, but it doesnt mean that they are what they symbolize or represent...

It's loud and clear that there are so many things that I do or make that causes question to my family... But I know that these labels and discouraging words are to test me... To see if im going to fall into focusing on pleaseing them, or focusing on who the Lord says I am and focus on making sure I am becoming more like me and my reason for doing or making something is good and is for His glory.

All I can say is... Thank you for accepting and appreciating the Paper Dragon, that was a deep relief for me. XD

It taught me alot while making it, and I know the Lord had strangely strengthen throuh that long hard drawn out process

Happy Late Birthday? XD lol sorry I had to write this poem, dont be mad at me.
Written by
ClawedBeauty101  21/F/TikTok
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