Since when ? Since my skin felt her touch or since I brushed her hair off her face or since I last heard her soft innocent voice or tasted her enchanting lips or took her out for breakfast lunch or dinner or since our eyes met and I looked long enough to forget my name or since she sat in front of a mirror only to remember my body with hers or since I was inside of her and she felt every inch of my manhood or since she grabbed my manhood and asked for more or since she cared enough to not let go or since I got her a present that she actually liked or since she spoke to me in something other than words or listened to what I was saying in all the silence or since I carved her name on my skin with a blade or since my night was her day and her day was my night or since someone surprised her only to feel **** for what came after or since I kissed her forehead to welcome her home or since I put her to bed and then to sleep or since she forgot all of it and threw me away or since we shared dawn & dusk or since I heard her say those words that I miss much like her
how long has it been to what because I can keep this going and the answer to all of it is true to be same
long enough for me to be dying not enough for me to be dead