But you see I don't see How faking a love of romance and passion And beautiful things
Can truly be so bad If it's the only way he'll stay
Best Friend of my universe The only person I couldn't imagine a world without
When he laughed And then nearly cried
"I don't love you anymore"
I saw the pools of hurt arise I knew right then his words, all lies And knew that this was my last
To keep him in my life And as I'm selfishly afraid Of being alone again I took it
"I was afraid" I swallow my self loathing away "Because I love you"
The hope swells, he smiles wide Laughing, he grabs my hands
"I knew you loved me"
Pang, I shut off my emotions As he grasps my ******* And slobbers his lips on my own
Boom, my head beats in disgust Goosebumps rising in panic My every nerve ending wanting to run I smile at him when he says
"Tell me you love me"
I feel bile rise, why do I do this? Is flinging my clothes to the floor As he leads me to my bed The necessity to keep my last Friend?
****, why do I do this Again and again? Self destruction behavior, big surprise
But I swear I've never stooped so low But I've never felt so alone But I can't recall loving a man But I've never rejected lust But with him the touch is rough But now I'm 3 months pregnant But it's with a person I choose But he thinks all this touching is normal But I can't seem to ever say no
"I love you too"
I refuse to loose you my friend Not ever again No matter the cost
I miss friendship, innocent friendship in which you were you and I was me.