The cold. My cheeks flushed pink as I inhaled the remnants of the frail air Surrounding me - clouded tufts occur They dissipate as I breathe I whisper.
The prevalence of rosebuds, nature's pride Flourish amongst the beaks of the emperor.
Strands of scarlet, stains of blood They all entail the unrequited sentiment of the weak The frail entrails dwindling downwards on the empty patches, Barren warfields where I exhaled.
The enticing floral rain, the vermilion of the soul The pale old man with the raincoat is watching me I turn.
Bring me deliverance, old man The joy of my ultima, the ****** of my being For you watched me ultimately, For death cheers for me from the sidelines.
Bring me deliverance, for the caress of the end Is my valentine.
breathe cheeks cheer ****** joy nature pink unrequited valentine whisper