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Dec 2017
All in a line... everyone's foots steps moving at the same speed... at the same pace... with the same sound...

All their heads... hanging down... hanging low...their percent of depression increasing with every heart pound...

All forced... to surrender their bodies to the whip... the whip of Depressions guard...Pain...

Pain... even thinking of the name caused the slaves to tremble... a single cry...a single crack...only brought forth screaming rain...

They have learned to betray their senses... They have been trained to trade their emotions for emptiness...

Chains...heavier then the burdens they bare... suffocate the nerves in their neck, ankles. and wrist...

Continuously walking into a tunnel that seems to go on for all eternity... Their eyes no longer dilating for light...

No warmth... not even the ground showed mercy...reveling and reminding them of memories... memories they try to fight

Their eyes growing blind by Depressions overcast...closing...some creating water falls...

Some of their wells are dry...For their deceitful friend Anger stole their heart of flesh... they can't hear Hopes call...

Anger... promising  relief... if they only would give their hearts to him... sadly....some have listened and fell astray...

Some refuse...and with that....the wrath of Suffering is spilled over them...there is no such thing as day...

In the line... they continue on...their minds screaming for comfort... Their soul drowning in the shadows... Their veins frozen in time

They all will soon meet depression itself...what an earthly not know why..

What will Depression do?   Only what you fear...  Do you dare look into the solid degrees below eyes of the beast?

Are you strong enough?... Or will you accept it's blade sharpened jaws?... Do you desire those black stained claws to  throw you to the east?

Do you want the thrill filled feeling of blood dripping into your mouth?  The scratches to prove you've been defeated?

Will you accept weakness to be your grave?  Would you like Regret to be your funeral!?   And allow Hell to be seated?



You have misplaced and lost your hope, do you truly believe it's lost and gone forever?


Just because on your level it's gloomy and dark... and danger is your air

Doesn't mean the sky above you contains the same!!! Release your eyes!!! Don't be scared!

When Depression snaps it's jaws at you, and you can see your dead body in it's reflexion

Reach your hand to the sky!!! Dilate your eyes to the sun's rays again! This is your confession!!!

Grab the Sword of the Spirit!!! Yes, you are unworthy of it!!! But don't use that as an excuse to stop fighting!!!

In the spiritual battle you are not alone!!! For the one who took your place will some day arrive like silver lightning!!!

Use that sword to permanently silence the monsters lips!  Skillfully slash open it's cheeks!!!

Hide your blade in your Belt of Truth! And reveal your Faith that will protect you! For you have created a blood creek!

Was awakening this Dark Death Grappling Beast worth it? Are you willing to continue to suffer??

Depression will slash at your Shield of Faith, and will try to cause it to shatter, sin's reminders will hover

Stand strong and firmly on the Gospel of Peace, for it's has a firm foundation... not the ground of sinking sand

Betrayal... Guilt...Shame... Worthlessness... Fear... Lies... Hurt.... will pour over and suffocate you if you stand on unstable land

Your eyelids lay heavy,  doubt contains your soul... Depressions shuttering fears will dig it's claws into your neck

Close your eyes!! Don't you dare surrender your eyes to the two furry fire filled eyes. Use your helmet to WRECK!!!

Salvation covers your head, don't inhale the the sweet deceptive fumes of Depression's dark comfort!

Consume Righteousness into your breastplate. For with it you will protect and guard your heart. So it does not convert!

Convert to the foolish ways of this word. RUN!!! RUN I TELL YOU!!!


Use that spear to make that lock submit and obey!!! Your not an animal that should be caged!!!

Depression is not your master, nor are you it's slave!!! Allow this knowledge to make your mind rage!!

Rebel!!! For Hope has opened up her gates to you! And wisdom has offered her help!

Escape the guardians of Doubt!!! For they will try to make you stumble and fall, and make you yelp!

You will know when you are safe... when you stop hearing the names of the past in your weakened ears

You your ears will receive joyous sounds.. Your senses will finally find their place after all these years

Your eyes will feel that thirst for light and brightness, your lips will finally be given a reason to speak!!!

Your heart pieces will bond and be mended again!!! It shall be overfilled with love and it shall leak!!!

Your soul will try to hide from the suns soft glow, but redilate your eyes!  For you are no longer blind!!!

Didn't you want to be made new? Didn't you want depression to be permanently ripped away from you body, heart, soul, and mind?

Freedom does indeed give off a strange touch...But do you dare to reject a free gift?

  He can give you more then freedom, you can receive more then just the feeling of your life being in a new shift

Gain eternal life!!! Reach for a new goal in life!!! Run for the prize that will never fade...

So indeed I dare to ask...Do you dare to accept? For in any trouble... any problem... even Depression.. He will be your aid

           Allow Depressions Torment Awaken You... Awaken You the    the Hope that is right in front of you...
Most of us have been through depression. Wither it was a strong depression or weak, most of us have had a taste of it. Listen if any of you are going through depression and you want to find hope... and you want to find life again within this dead world we live in. I AM OPEN!!! I am open to help with anything!!! Indeed I am a stranger but I am here to fulfill the duty of my creator and maybe this is one of the ways.  I do hope my poetry has inspired and help many of you who are reading. I don't care about the trending or the loves or likes, All I want is to help as many as I can on Hello Poetry. Thank you, MANY OF YOU FOR YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! THANK YOU!
Written by
ClawedBeauty101  21/F/TikTok
     Kim, Simon Monahan, Caleb John and Mishael Ward
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