I want to write about the sunset, how the rays hit the ocean and it was so beautiful that I could almost shed a tear But all that I can write about is how handsome you looked with your back to me as you stared at that same exact sunset And all I can write about is how much I loved you at that exact moment and the sun could have fallen down and I probably would not have noticed
I want to write about how melancholy the rainstorms make me and how I get so lonely and depressed each and every time the sky cries But all I can write about is how your eyes are the same exact color as the night sky right before a rain storm in the middle of July And all I can write about is even when the sky was having a mental breakdown full of rain all I could think about was how content I was being wrapped in your embrace
I want to write about how genuinely happy and bright I feel once the Birds of Paradise start to bloom in the spring But all I can write about is how they are the flower I could see from the porch swing at my mother's house where we talked about our future children And all I can write about is how much I miss talking to you at four in the morning when the rest of the world was asleep, everyone except for us and those Birds of Paradise
I want to write about nature and beauty and the weather and happiness and I don't want to keep writing about you But it's you. It's never anyone or anything else, but you