his eyes held tales i never had known of worlds and ideas, creatures and such i hadn’t pondered since i had grown why did getting older come in that rush?
after looking in his storied eye i’ll never regret saying hi
the first time we talked it felt so perfect, so easy, so simple the road of friendship we together walked there was i greeted with his happy dimple
after looking in his storied eye i’ll never regret saying hi
with trust and trust we soon grew his wise young mind greeted mine he trusted me with what was hard to construe a world filled with all that would common shine
after looking in his storied eye i’ll never regret saying hi
fairies, giants, ogres, even glowing bright flowers all found in his world awaited me smiles greeted me in droves and showers their excitement and mine gave the boy great glee
after looking in his storied eye i'll never regret saying hi
he brought me there whenever i’d wish and guided me towards his favorite things during which conversations would to me switch for he said my voice gave him wings
after looking in his storied eye i’ll never regret saying hi
there i was, his only hope and in a way he was mine our tie was tough like rope and our conversations aged like wine
after looking in his storied eye i’ll never regret saying hi
it was my fault that darkened day i let myself forget his worrying head i let him away from me stray now due to me, a friend is dead
i’m sure after looking in my boring eye the dead magic man wished i’d never said hi