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Aug 2017
In the eyes of the ocean,
What do you see?
I find myself somehow lost in you
Yet I smile at thee.

Deep Aphrodite caverns
For you and I to rest
And whilst our bodies sink
My hand is stitched to your breast.

Oh, how I could soak in these seas
For an eternity, if not after death.
But woe betide if you drown
And I shall no longer taste that salty breath.

For now the moon shall glow over your silky waves
And light shall dwell in those sunken caves.

Then let me swim one more time in those eyes of yours:
That open in the dark like Heaven's doors.
Written by
Eleni  F/United Kingdom
(F/United Kingdom)   
         TSPoetry, Walter W Hoelbling, ---, ---, --- and 12 others
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