my heart flutters at the way she speaks my name. "lover", she hums, and i watch speechless as woebegone drips from her lips. she tastes like moonlight when she kisses me. fragile. unknown. known. when our bodies meet i can't imagine living life any differently than this; magnetism draws me closer and i am intoxicated and sobered and and i let my fingers trace symphonies over her skin love songs and love letters and the lust of knowing that this is belonging. we fold into each other and it is inevitable. i want to learn her, learn every part of her, as if it's what my soul was sent to do; her heartbeat weaves a gossamer of beauty and she leaves it in the crease of my neck. "lover". lightworker. twinflame. architect of this home, these two arms that sing safety into rose quartz bones. this is harmony. i release a held breath and whisper back, "always". this is my promise.