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Jun 2017
I'm sailing this lonely ship now,
But it's nothing unusual or new.

I have been on this ship before,
But it's not like Deja vu here.

I sailed alone in my childhood,
Shouldn't be any different now.

I was alone, playing with the toys,
That time was definitely a luxury.

I was alone, staring at the walls,
That time was actually so cursed.

I'm still sitting alone, a book in hand,
But now I must read it & score marks.

So it's different & no Deja vu now.
Loneliness fangs.
My HP Poem #1574
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
     Demonatachick, Kim, Timothy and Ryan Holden
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