I spend much of my life within the confines of my mind Some days I am unsure Whether I am dead or Alive
But the medication that I cling to removes the existential fear and allows my thoughts to relax yet, it also seems to suppress my wonder
Without the pills, I can intently watch myself write As each stroke of my small wrist Leaves grey stains across the blank page
With them, I can feel happiness I can detach myself from life's pain and realize my distractions instead of permitting them to anchor my heart
But with my medicine I cannot create not in the ways I wish to They build a border between substance and surface while it blocks out the depression it also limits my humanity
Yet, if I were to quit taking them the darkness would return to haunt my world strangling my limbs, until I have no will to fight or even to move for that matter
Without them, I can expend myself in this art that has kept my heart beating My emotions can freely guide my movements in the hopes of creating something beautiful
But those pills have also saved my life and yet, they have a dark side too The anxiety they breed produce such a significant strain on my actions that I can't tell if I'm truly living
So as I sit in this barren hallway listening to the echoes that disrupt the silence I wonder whether my temporary refrain from my "lifelines" will lead to my success or my demise.