For so long the Devil played the strings on my heart I was a puppet in his hands, feeling this and feeling that But Christ cut the strings; he replaced the hooks with a heart of flesh
Though still I feel the emotions, I go through the motions They controlled me for so long, they pulled me along Like a top, spinning and spinning; now free but it goes through the motions
My heart is free, but resides at pride and hate My hands are free, and do the devil’s handiwork My mind is free, but on Christ it does not dwell
Inertia lasts so long; then it’s done and gone Someday it will be foregone: just hold on!
Little by little, I realize the puppet is free The sins of my past are no longer steadfast Spinning and dizzy still, I venture only step by step – but soon I walk freely
My heart is weak and failing, but soon all renewed My hands are trembling, but reach to embrace the Savior My mind forgets my sin, and clings to the old rugged cross
For so long, I fought to undo what had been done Though I was glorified, the shadows of my stains made me tremble As the spinning stops, so my heart; my sin is finished and I’m made like the savior
From my book, "Aimless Wanderer"