On this beautiful forsaken earth I have seen many sins in fellow citizen's inside I have my pride but I wanna confess and it is 150% a yes that in my inside's hearth I have many more sins, much more than your rational would believe although I am an evangelist not certain a bliss but that was my beloved's Mum wish I dared not to refuse her since I am an obedient girl of course at school a rebel never for my dearest Mum after having graduated exactly three years after date.
I must confess that I possess much more inner spirit now more patience than before more love and care than I ever owe
Ahok was blamed for blasphemy that Islamic group lied constantly till they got him in prison
such saddest tidings am still humming my love songs even though pained in one WhatsApp ago am looking for peace while conversing to my genius bro before he would close his golden window.
my heart leap up with the strongest sense his caring soul did never offend i feel home in our parental house nine days closest to his loving heart i am truly blessed as his grateful part.
Jakarta-Home, West-Java Time 21.00 hrs PM. AD the 3rd June 2017, Saturday
World Citizen, then I have traveled to all five continents and at each place I have my hotel, motel or best friends house, on the average for at the most 7 days, that was enough seven days. I will return too, also for another 7 days.