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Mar 2017
My heart brought happiness
Back to my life
And my mind
Made it go away

It's 12 am
And you're at my door
My chest says yes,
But my brain says, "no more."
You walk away confused
While I stand in the doorway
With my heart in my throat
And the pain coursing through my veins
I'm thinking, "My God, this is insane"
I whisper, "I'm sorry.
You deserve better than me.
You're too pure for this darkness*"
I hope one day you will see
Why I had to make you leave.
Sometimes you have to push people away so they can find their way back to the light.
Megan H
Written by
Megan H  27/F/Texas
       JT, Amethyst Fyre, Ioana - Silvia Manea, ---, --- and 5 others
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