Standing alone Darkness and flame Devoured his soul Crippled and maim Losing his mind as shadows take over Losing all luck like a small four-leaf clover Consumed by fire, turning to ash A fool with bounty turned in for cash Betrayed, back-stabbed and left to die "You were ignorant Now you wonder why...?" "You trusted too quickly Trampled on Used Demotivated Attacked Demoralised Abused" "You wanted out but got dragged back in Trying to shout but end up in sin" "One day there was a pure little child who, when he passed you always smiled Until the day he stood in the meadow A flame appeared Engulfed him in shadow Smoke, impure as black as death destroyed his body like crystal ****. It looked to him like help arrived And so into the flames he dived For a short while he took comfort until he saw he had been hurt" His body turned into a crisp His soul into a will-o-wisp Existed in this world no more Burnt it all - to his core until he had to eventually succumb to the freedom of drugs which made him numb He lost his sense of feeling - pain No longer could he, greatness attain His life was turned round 'n round until he wound up in the ground Mentally - emotionally - lost, distorted Physically beat body contorted Stuffed in a hole Forgotten about His very existence, a topic of doubt Lost in a world of shadow and pain Where the one source of light is the one thing that drains Despite the blazing flames' heat his body - stiffed in icy defeat A light so dark it dis- emboweled a kid who now from centre howled Whose body was now completely disfigured Whose soul became utterly dismembered Devoured by cannibal - butcher He lost the way towards a future Smog and smoke that cloud his sight He ended up upon a great height He knew that he had lost the fight Below him was an ocean of white His only option was to fall For there was no way to, down crawl He stood staring at his defeat The oceans were to about, him eat A soft, sweet land up in the sky Until you fall right through and die By water or by solid ground His fate and soul were now unbound The white turned to a sinister grey This was to be his final day And then to black did they then changed He knew that this would be a dange' A scorching, deep flame from it arose And just like magma on earth flows And like Abraham before the king But in contrast this fire will cling And no small ant will come him save No place for him to find safe have' A leap of faith over the cliff His body turning lame from stiff "Avoid the flame into the river" His strong life-force now slowly wither Trying to hold the land in the sky He thought to himself "I'm too young to die" As slowly through clouds his body fell Into the flames - the pit of hell And like Moses before the sea Except that he would drown and be lost to thought and mem- ory He wanted to die eas- ily And like Lot's wife who turned on back Instead of coals It was haze - black That turned him back into the dust "This 's what I get for over- trust" His life will end in a swift fall The fire which promises all - The world, money, drugs and fame. But truthfully it is just flame He trusted it and let them steal all his life seemed-innocent deal Filled with regret as slowly he sinks It will be over soon 's he blinks Fading Dying It's time to go They took it all but just for show He was then placed 6-feet under and from the world did they him sunder
Thanks to ThePoet/Sarah Ahmed for the inspiration to part of this poem (and to many other of my poetry)