I searched for God in the sounds of the seas oscillating butterfly wings clinging of communion wine glasses page after page after page in libraries children laughing ghastly howls of tornadoes calls of wild birds
I listened to the rumbling of my inner wars, I did not hear Adonai's voice there until I opened the Bible ...
I heard Job loudly grieving his colossal losses Jonah's boat crushed in a sea creature's mouth crusty sound of Lot turning into stone Samson pulling pillars apart Daniel whimpering among surrounding lion growls cries of women and children killed blood dripping from the sword that beheaded John whiplash echoes, soldiers spitting on Jesus the rooster's third cry.. then Peter's cry coins rattling in Judas' pocket Mary mourning her son's death warm dry winds blowing in 40 years of desert wastelands
and then I heard
the burning bush and Moses taking off his sandals roaring thunders turn into calm waters David singing palms clapping dove wings, ascending down on Jesus waters and rejoicing of baptised folks waving palm leaves and announces "Hosannah!" the pounding feet of a lame man now leaping breaking of bread at the feast of the Table rolling away of the Jesus' tomb stone
and then I know what I will hear one day... welldonemygoodandfaithfulservant until then... bestillandknowthatIam *God