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Oct 2016
Running as fast as I can.
The only opportunity I’ve got.
I knew it before it even began.
I won’t ever get caught.

Breathing heavy and fast.
The weather has turned bad.
Sought shelter in a house I almost passed.
Now when I think back, I feel so sad.

My tongue is forever away.
They took my reason to speak.
They’ve haunted my astray.
I’m wasting time being weak.

They caught up to me.
I feel like running forever.
It’s a circle...You can’t be free.
My reason to be alive is what they’ll sever.

It’s going around in my head.
I don’t know what they are.
They’ll stay till I’m dead.
They’ve locked me up in a jar.

Keeping my soul till the end.
Shaking the container from the inside.
My emotions is what they distend.
Nowhere to run or hide.

Feeling the presence of my life fading.
The nightmare is only about to begin.
My mentality is what they’re breaking.
I know I’m Haunted From Within.
Dark Delusion
Written by
Dark Delusion  19/F/Denmark
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