Them: Depression feeds off all this isolation Me: But what I do in it, is the only thing that delays my impulses
Them: Use coping skills. Me: The only coping skills that work are the ones that destroy me
Them: You feel so lonely because you put up a wall and block people out Me: I feel so lonely because people never approach me to see if I'm okay
Them: Don't think too much, it brings you down Me: I can't help but think too much, my mind never turns off and the gears are always turning.
Them: Stop looking at violence Me: But it helps with the anger inside my head
Them: Just keep having faith, having hope Me: Faith is an illusion and hope is a lie
Them: You will make it through this and then you can live your life Me: I will live through this until it will take my life
Them: You can never return to a memory, don't think of the past Me: But memories are all I have that might bring me a small smile of happiness to my face
Them: I can help you, you just have to let me Me: I have let you and your words depress me even more
Them: There is a point where we can't help you, you're going to have to save yourself. Me: And that is why there was never hope
Them: You will live and have a better life soon Me: I have lived and they all tell me you can't go back to memories
Them: You are alive Me: I died far before they found me lying on the ground in the room