The rains will come in the middle of the night and wash away the heaviness you've been carrying in your heart. The rains will come; gentle and soothing at first, and then forceful and pounding You've forgotten the difference between feeling clean and feeling empty. The difference between feeling pure and feeling nothing at all. You sigh too often because you are constantly forgetting to breathe. But the rain will teach your tired lungs to allow oxygen to enter your chest and for now, that will have to be good enough. In the morning you will wake to air crisp and toxin-free. You will feel the dew in-between your toes. You will carry the weight in your heart with ease and the puddles in the street will always be a reminder that sometimes water doesn't flow, but fills. All your cracks will be mended in due time. It is when we don't allow time the chance to mend, that emptiness sinks in. Because you can fill your broken crevices with liquor and smoke, with strangers' tongues. Things that take up space and distract. But never heal. Time is the only thing that can heal you my love. So allow the rain to cleanse your soul, Allow the wounds to form scabs. Then pick your scabs and forgive yourself for doing so because it is such a human thing to do. But don't ever fear that you will never be whole again. Time knows how long you need and Time will have you looking back and laughing at the fact that you ever doubted its power for a second.