I am a mother, a wife A friend, a teacher I seek happiness I love deep Only souls not faces Always loyal I don't judge I love to help I see good in everyone Which makes me naive at times I am open to all Hoping for a world Where everyone fits Labels don't exist
I latch to rules Anxiety demands I suffer from OCD Always chasing order Shackled by disinfection I am comfortable in control Leading the way I seek to inspire I believe in others I am honest with my feelings I value experience And learn from them I reflect on my day Always trying to improve I search for meaning in conversations Enjoy learning new things daily
I play sports Love music Enjoy Art Express myself in writes Fascinated by abstracts Reading words to gain insight The grace in movement The beauty in visual artistry
I love to re-discover nature The acoustics of birds Waterfalls and rain Kissing falling snow Connecting with our majestic sky I love the stillness Each morning brings The dew sleeping in the emerald The lacquered canvas Of quiet lakes Motionless In something so vast
Yoga is my philosophy A healthy Body Mind And spirit My destination is The pursuit of enlightenment In my life's pain I am coming out of the spiral Enjoying my journey Seeing straight Swimming the unalome I feed my soul Hoping IT can lead me Leaving my ego in my wake
I remain unfinished I continue to wear masks Sometimes to hide As I fear rejection Still.. As happy as I seem As lovely as I am My soul has a shadow Hidden inside My essence traced By shaded light I am a survivor Broken in places Finally accepting my true self
Jl 2016
My first "this is me" poem was from my skewed perception of my teenage self. I like this one more :) it's more optimistic ;)