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Feb 2016
**** the fakes,
like for goodness sake.
we're forced into a prison with
plastic dolls, who always go to the mall and fall for the sport guys who are as tall as the skies. //

forget about,
the girls who destroyed your world.
i doubt, i doubt, that they actually care. look at them as they flip they hair, talking about you 24/7; then smiling at you the next day asking if you were okay, as if they cared.//

ignore the,
teachers who continue to bring you down, and laugh as they watch you frown in the bleachers. instead smirk at them, and be a goal achiever, become sucessful and laugh quietly as you see shock come upon their faces.//

prove to them how strong you are,**
show them that you're as bright as a star
be yourself, read books from bookshelves, do whatever. but don't become a fake, or a doubter or a gossiper, always be true, and be you.//
i was in school and came up with this, not all of this applies to me; but it may be what someone is going through. <3
m i a
Written by
m i a  20/F/m a r s
(20/F/m a r s)   
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