Humans in essence are nature. I am the selfish squirrel gathering all the nuts for himself, out of sight from the others. I am the tiny ant who spies a crumb across the room and knows it will be worthwhile if he can reach it. I am the spider, building a web reminding myself of patience, and that quality takes time. I am the lion feeling brave and courageous as I keep on treading and trying to feel in control of my life. I am the fly that lands and sits alone in a busy room, just watching and observing all the commotion. I am the inch worm, who is very slowly journeying his way everywhere. Humans are a work in progress. Be selfish like the squirrel when you need to care for yourself and make things happen. Be strategic like the ant and make strenuous goals. Be patient like the spider, allow yourself time. Be confident like the lion, face things head on. Be reserved like the fly, sit back and allow yourself to see the whole picture. Be determined like the inch worm and enjoy the journey.