What can I do To show that I care To let you know you're loved And that I'll always be there
That no matter the burden No matter how Big or how small You can count on me to go through it all
When times get rough And you need someone Or just a friend to share in the fun
When you need a shoulder To lay on and cry For those days you want to just give up and die
For the smiles and the laughs For the agony and pain I hope you know you can call on my name
I'm never leaving you No one gets left behind Knowing your safe rests my weary mind
Through the thick and through the thin That's where a true friend goes And I'll be there for you, God certainly knows
I love you to death though I've known you such a short while But for you I'll travel every hard and aching mile
You don't have to be alone Why won't you understand! I'm here for you And I'm holding out my hand
This isn't something that's gonna burn and then fade I'm here till I die, a best friend you've made
I pray for you daily, that God will guide and protect That all His blessings you'll get to collect
I wrote this awhile back for one of my closest friends when they were going through a hard time and I felt like they needed to be reminded I wasn't going anywhere no matter what.