It was the rose Who he misses That once was his Until one day he shattered it into pieces
It was the willow Who he mistook for love But he refuses to believe That he's now in the sharp-edged of betrayal
The rose he was once longing for Has grown itself into a magnificent one Guarded by mischievous sacred shields Even he can't divert any glance without causing his heart to hurt But he'd do anything for his rose
And the willow too has grown Into a dauntingly poisonous one Also hazardous to touch Even he's suffocating from the lies it built
He begin to wonder for the sake of love For the guilt of breaking his rose For misunderstanding his love
And he began to misses his rose once again Though he doesn't deserve much He's willing to get hurt to earn its love It was his rose after allβ Who he hurt millions time harder a while ago