A church is in ruins A holy place defaced You were alone, a lie Among the living, walked Like a statue made of gold
Lost in the former Gone out with the tide All that was worth fighting for Gone now, died
Waves lap at the shore like angry thrusts The lights of the city wave like a ***** The wind, a stranger The kids all board the school bus Lacking pity, empathy formless
They say you might find what you are looking for A ballroom dance sang loudly to the ceiling boards Nonsensical words that come streaming out The taste in my mouth, the sound when I shout I wonder what it is that you are looking for Gold, wine, success, money, fame All these prizes delivered at the end of this sick game
Run to the lights of the city Pass the moments for which most pray will transpire Hire a carrier, command the world from your throne of foresight For, in hindsight, maybe this was not such a good idea after all Perhaps, it is only human for us to trip For us to fall My fault, not yours Erase it all