How sprightly I am once in her company, she's all a king seeketh, she is the wealth of mine ethic's; She is mine sun rising, she is the sea's tide, coming and arriving. She is the universe in mine eye's: she is the mind in which I think, she is the rose, the petal gold, the crowned queen distinct. She is the ancient, extinct; the treasure hidden, the extraterrestrial's searcheth for one as her, she's the angelic one, arrayed in yellow ink. She hast an halo, her hand's holes art from nail's, as tis I taketh her pain: in the rain for her smile once again. She's mine lover, amour', peace, comfort, best friend. She is the beginning, not end; for there shalt never be an ending with her: for an eternity we shalt abode. She is mine all, mine calling, mine wife; Verily she is mine Earl Jane Nagley; verily she's mine life.