The emergence of a new born is announced by her cries in the cold That very moment she leaves the warmth in which she was mould But in reassuring arms, She is comforted and grows calm. Soon she realises there's more to life than candy and sweets, And someday she would have to stand alone on her feet. Was she prepared to face the world? No, there were countless times she ran back in, and cried out to her Lord! Her innocence and optimism Is challenged by the world's depravity and pessimism Every now and then, she's under pressure To disregard virtues she's always treasured. She knows she ought to be patient and ought not to worry But that's really difficult in a world where everyone is in a hurry. Eventually, she loses her peace For the things her eyes sees. Fearing she may be lagging behind She adopts schemes that are truly not refined Sadly, the more she craves and acquires The more the vacuum in her heart requires Her emptiness reveals her deeper need for something more than things Regrettably, her lust has made her lose her love and regard for beings. Oh No! this is not the sweet girl has parents had raised, And the streets in which she grew praised.