make it hard not to notice the beauty o f h i s f a c e
As fibres stretch and pull to form a smile
Or while brows knit together.
It is everything I can do to hold off the burning
Under my skin –
The burning impulse
To reach for his hand
Or lean in closer.
The scent of his cologne simulating a false distance Between us.
Twitching in my topmost disc urges me over, Closer.
Just a few inches.
C l o s e r.
With each minuscule snap
Of the tissue lining the very tip of my spine
I find myself unable to maintain The position that I have.
Giving in to the abductor that had been y e a r n i n g
To break a w a y ,
My neck twists To the right While my conscious mind
U r g e s
The adductor to take over.
WORDS TO KNOW Fibres – thin pieces that form muscle and nerve // Disc – round, flat cartilage between back bones // Abductor – muscle that moves a body part away from normal positioning // Adductor – muscle that moves a body part back to normal positioning