Driving Ms. Daisy Absolutely drives me crazy. Many a driver have come and vanished by noon. Her cruel words are nothing but her ****** armour. People hate her, and she appears to love it. Petite old Ms Daisy, seems like she’ll forever be alone. Today she asked of me to drive faster, “I want to feel the wind against my face. Take it up a notch”, she said. “12miles/per hour,” she wailed. Snub the rooster and wax the pole, driving Ms Daisy is slow. Really slow. At times I fear that the machine may fail, That the engine may even stop from being so frail. Taking Ms Daisy someplace is like going nowhere, because you aren’t moving enough to arrive anywhere. Yesterday was the worst day ever; her constant yelling and biting remarks that only aimed to infuriate. But Ms Daisy is always classy. Her proud air of 16th century British Royalty. Even her perfumed handkerchiefs spell eloquence. But still, one day I wish she’ll suffer a heart attack, Or maybe a mild stroke. But then I wonder out loud, “Who else will hire me and pay me this load?” I may moan and rumble but I am forever stuck with Ms Daisy.