It's like The sky came down and pinched the back of my neck And took me too high too fast So I shout And I laugh And I say inappropriate things Other times it's like The sky drops me and I know I'm falling So I panic And flail And fight the inevitable But it's no use there's nothing I can do to reduce the fall I crash I go real quiet and my head is tearing itself apart My friends my family my own lover has no idea What's going on What it's like Or how to help Or that I know what's happening and can't help it either So they get annoyed Even angry And so do I because I know it's affecting them Almost as much as it's hurting me So I cry And I cry And then I cut Or snap my wrist with a hair tie Because pain is the only thing that can wake me from the numbing terror The grip of manic depression has on me
I feel the need to explain myself, ALL THE TIME and I know it's mostly all in my head. But I'm so sorry friends, family and lover for "being emotional" all the ******* time. It annoys me as much as it bugs all of you.