Secluded dreams are your fragile fingers never to caress harsh tree bark creeks again pulsating in vain when you don't hear the drumming dominion of my tactile gentle tips falling in love with your philosophical nonsense constellating words become sensual sonoric spaces between you and me betweex texts of adoration one typing pad and a hot salvia tea serves you' mastering over the paint brushes in a *** and splashing colours dispersed drawings, fine arts, parts of an intimate instrumentalia To parties salute! Freshly washed t-shirt hangs over one empty bottle Sealed contentment, sleepless nights, red wine dizzy gifts adrift and fiery one giant dragonfly emerging from the clouds At the end has crashed the mighty wings and the haunted sounds; all of my desires for you the old blood corridors brook strings swinging catching a fire flower within your palm torchering torches turning us, our lust, into the waxed reciprocity sideral you still love me tropic me still crave to arouse you solely by my empty words in between days solstice in between the dying night's Équinoxe